When you want to change your life, the best place to start is with yourself.” We always hear this; it is motivating and empowering―but how? We are now at the beginning of the year, a time when many people reflect on their physical well-being.
Starting a new year is highly motivating, because it is a “new beginning”. What is going to make it different from other years is consistency. When people choose to change their lifestyles drastically, it is very hard to be consistent. To be successful and consistent, things must be familiar. This is when it makes sense to stick to the little changes rather than to go for the drastic ones.
It becomes highly fulfilling when you realize that it is simple to become consistent with little things. The satisfaction this provides creates a motivational generator that takes you to handle bigger things. This is truly the key to making those changes you need to achieve your goals.
Omega Family Surrogates works with amazing women and their families who choose to carry someone else’s child, without being genetically related to the baby. To be able to provide the gift of life to a couple who cannot have children by themselves, Gestational Carriers (traditionally called Surrogates) require a healthy and strong body. Professionals in the field of Reproductive Medicine have determined that there are certain indicators that Gestational Carriers must meet to ensure that the pregnancy develops smoothly, both for the Gestational Carrier and the baby.
Body Mass Index or BMI is one of the requirements that some potential Gestational Carriers must work on. BMI is not only about weight, but the relationship between the woman’s body fat content and her height. A women’s BMI should range along 21 – 32 to increase the probability of a low-risk pregnancy. The Surrogate’s health is a high priority for Omega Family Surrogates because it keeps not only the Gestational Carrier safe, but the baby as well.
Now, how does a potential Surrogate reduce BMI to be able to enter Omega Family’s program? Here are some simple ideas that involve a change of mind that later produces results. These are not quick-fix ideas; these are different ways of approaching individual lifestyles that through time will produce results.
Replace “I should” with “I choose.” When assuming individual responsibility for choosing a certain lifestyle, changing things become easier. You decide to leave the blame-game and now the change is in your court, your responsibility. When you have a bit of free time, choose to walk, or exercise instead of remaining sedentary in front of the computer or TV. It’s not because you have to; it’s because you want to.
Give yourself time to eat. When you sit down and savor each bite of the food you eat, you are satisfying yourself physically and psychologically. As you eat, enjoy it. Take a look at your food. This will trigger an automatic auto-evaluation of what you are putting into your body. You will understand what is it you are eating and become aware of what you are going to need or what you can do without.
Include your family. Build on what you already have regarding exercise, eating, water intake, as well as how much time you have for yourself. The whole family can come up with different ideas about how to enhance meals, exercise, play time, and “alone time”. Frequently, it’s not about not doing what it takes, but realizing that you already do some of it. If your kids are in this new effort, they can go out and walk with you or do stretches with you. This can become family play time while doing something that is good for your body and lifestyle. You can also educate your kids on how to shop for and choose appropriate foods.
These recommendations do not lead to immediate results, but over time your body will grow stronger and you will feel more in control of yourself. This is the beginning of life transformations that will provide you with the strength you need to accomplish your goals. This is the purpose of Omega Family Surrogates, to support the community of amazing women who would like to birth a child for couples who cannot have children of their own. Having the appropriate BMI when becoming pregnant will enhance the opportunity for quick matching with Intended Parents and a fulfilling Surrogacy experience.