The Importance of the Profile

Omega Family Global (OFG) has a simple, easy to understand surrogacy process that allows for a successful journey for both surrogates and intended parents.    The first bonding moment between them may come from an intended parent connecting with a heartfelt profile.

OFG desires surrogates to match as soon as possible.  The recommended tips are those that OFG has found most effective to do just that.   These tips do focus on the physical aspect of the surrogate because the first contact intended parents have with a potential surrogate is through pictures found in the Surrogates Profile.

How to get started with a profile

When a potential surrogate applies to Omega Family Global, she fills out a form.  As Omega’s Intake Coordinators review the answers to those questions, they automatically begin building the profile.  While the recruitment process proceeds, the potential surrogate provides more information about herself.

The information includes:

  1. Medical Records
  2. Background Check
  3. Interview Results based on the Intake Coordinator’s calls

Online Profile Platform

Omega Family Global (OFG) invites the applicant to fill out her online profile in a program called Orchid.  OFG has already entered the initial content and now the applicant can personalize her profile.  The profile is similar to social media, and allows her to upload photos and videos to showcase how she would serve as a surrogate to potential intended parents.  She can ask the Intake Coordinators to help guide her in filling out her information.  The program identifies each step necessary to complete her surrogate profile.

Tips for Pictures

To bring out the best in a profile, pictures should present the surrogate as respectable and relatable.  A surrogate will be taking care of a child throughout the pregnancy, and parents should be able to trust the surrogate they will choose.  Pictures are responsible for providing the first feeling of trust for the intended parent.


  1. Present full body, family, or solo pictures. 
    Potential surrogates should ask a friend or family member to take the pictures for them.
  2. Surrogate should represent herself in the best way possible.
    For example, if she likes to garden, she can take a picture sitting amongst her favorite plants. She does not necessarily have to be by herself in pictures, but if she is going to present group pictures, have them be with family to show her home atmosphere.
  3. Dress Appropriately
    She should make it personal; the applicant may choose her favorite colors or her favorite garments as long as she looks respectable and relatable.  Bear in mind that if intended parents connect with a profile, OFG will arrange a meeting.
  4. Choose a suitable background
    Details in the background tell a lot about how a person lives.  The applicant should choose an environment that she loves.   Intended parents will read into the pictures that surrogates send.  If they see that her surroundings are organized, neat and clean, they will automatically assume she lives this way.  T
    his will be the ambiance in which their child will be growing.
  5. Tattoos
    Surrogates and their partners are free to have tattoos. Omega Family Global advises  covering them up to make her profile stronger. Intended parents will know that she or her partner has them as they get to know them better.


  1. Present Selfies
    Selfies were created for fun and informal purposes.  A surrogate profile is a formal document where an applicant shows how important being a surrogate is to her.
  2. Send forced pictures
    It’s easy to tell when someone did not want to take a picture, or didn’t want to be in one.  This feeling can be sensed by intended parents when they see a surrogates profile.  A tip to avoid this from happening is that before the picture is taken, a surrogate can think of something that will bring a smile to her face and help her look pleasant.
  3. Appropriate and natural image
    The surrogate should be at ease and dress comfortably provided that she looks respectable and relatable.  Using graphic filters for pictures can present an unreal image of the surrogate.  This could deter intended parents from choosing her because it doesn’t feel natural.  Sunglasses should not be used because they cover the eyes, one of the most expressive features  of the face.
  4. Picture background is  revealing
    The applicant may have her hair done and her clothes pristine but there is an unclean kitchen in the background.  This could raise a red flag for the intended parents as would liquor bottles. This  doesn’t mean that a surrogate and her husband are not allowed to have a drink or two, but its not something that should be readily showcased from the beginning. Intended parents are always paying attention to where their baby will be growing.
  5. Tattoos
    Having tattoos is a personal choice and many Omega Surrogates have them. OFG strongly advises surrogates not to show their tattoos in their pictures to enhance the formality of their surrogate profile.