Omega Family Surrogates Blog2020-03-15T18:37:43-07:00

Omega Family Surrogates Blog

Adoption & Surrogacy: Friends, Not Foes

By |October 12th, 2018|Categories: #1 Considering Surrogacy, Intended Parents, Surrogate / Gestational Carrier / GC|

Many times when speaking of surrogacy, adoption comes into the conversation. This is natural because they are both family creation options. These are both

Omega Family Global: Surrogacy Done Right

By |September 27th, 2018|Categories: #1 Considering Surrogacy, #9 Omega Family Global: Surrogacy Agency, Agency, Intended Parents, Surrogate / Gestational Carrier / GC|

Struggling with Infertility When Intended Parents wish to have a baby they may try medical and natural methods. Sometimes becoming pregnant can be challenging. Couples

The Lifestyle of an Omega Family Surrogate

By |September 22nd, 2018|Categories: #3 Qualifying, Agency, Intended Parents, Surrogate / Gestational Carrier / GC|

“Their pea, my pod.” When skimming posts on surrogacy, you can come across some very interesting phrases. One is “Their pea, my pod.” This is

Urban Legends Surrounding Surrogacy

By |August 31st, 2018|Categories: #1 Considering Surrogacy, Agency, Intended Parents, Surrogate / Gestational Carrier / GC|

How Urban Legends come to be When we get together with friends, it is so much fun to talk about everything that has happened

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