Omega Family Surrogates Blog
BMI Struggles
I have been very fortunate that my kid’s friends’ moms and I have a good time when we get together. Due to that
Things to Consider: Embryo Transfer
Where are we in the Surrogacy Journey? Embryo Transfers are one of the most exciting and anticipated moments of the Surrogacy Process because if
Doing Something About Infertility
Infertility is a condition that is continually studied, and every day there are new procedures that could assist the rising numbers of healthy
Surrogacy and the Law
The legal world has been struggling to keep up with rapid developments in the area of Assisted Reproduction Technology since the 1980s, when
My Best Friend Is Going to Be My Surrogate
Choosing a close friend or family member to become a Surrogate? There are friends who feel like family. They know us well. There
Surrogate Requirements Do Not Pass Judgment
A Surrogate must meet certain requirements. Remember, you are carrying a child for people who have faced infertility issues for probably a long time. These
Omega Family Surrogates’ Compensation Plan
Women choose to become surrogates for a variety of personal and compassionate reasons. As a reward, they receive extra money that can help both
Omega Surrogates: We’ve Got You Covered
No matter if you are a Surrogate, an Intended Parent, a Case Manager, or someone interested in Surrogacy, Omega Family Surrogates can guide
Surrogacy Post Birth: After Baby Is Gone
You know how great love stories end with Happily Ever After? The whole love story builds up until the couple finally ends up together… but…
Surrogacy Agency – Finding the Right One for Me
No matter how the idea of becoming a surrogate came into your mind, it is always best to work with an agency because
The Sparkling Water Story
Based on true events #omegastories In Surrogacy, the baby always belongs to his or her parents. The Sparkling Water Story We are having
Me and My Jo – Children and Surrogacy
In my experience, my girls like going out on dates. My wife is a laid-back country girl, who likes to have a beer or